Annotation Edit

Annotation Edit is available now.

To edit an annotation: Right-click (control-click on a Mac) the annotation in the viz and select Edit. In the Edit Annotation dialog box that opens, edit the annotation text and then click OK. Editing reverses the writing process: the writer goes from the book to the annotation; the editor goes from the annotation to the book. The editor can look at the announcement as the reader would-without necessarily any prior knowledge. Annotation Edit是一款强大的专业编辑视频字幕注释及标题的软件,它可以提取m4v文件中的cc字幕,并导出字幕文件。 它可以简单操作Windows的文本文件,支持自动音频截查,无限轨道,服务器整合,MS Excel的XML导入等等众多强大的功能。. Editing annotation You can use the editing tools in ArcMap to edit both standard annotation and feature-linked annotation. Some of the editing tasks you can complete include resizing, moving, rotating, and applying various follow feature options to your annotation.

Download Page of Annotation Edit
Annotation Edit is now the first subtitle editing app to directly support editable subtitles with Adobe Premiere Pro CC Essential Graphics titles via Final Cut XML.
Annotation Edit is also the first subtitle editing app to support YouTube SRV3/YTT with italics, justification, position, and vertical text.
zeitAnker Teletext supports Adobe Premiere with SDH colors. The latest version brings SDH colors and background colors, justification, italics and position to YouTube too.

The package of this version includes a download link to a public preview of 64 bit versions of our apps. Essential for macOS Catalina, macOS Big Sur and Apple Silicon M1. EditEdit
The latest preview version is released on April 18th 2021. Updates of the public preview will occur frequently.
Update channels for the preview versions are prepared.
Stay tuned.

Annotation Edit includes extended support for Final Cut Pro X 10.2 or later.
Since Version 1.9.29 a free Scene Detection utility is included.

Esri Annotation

This update still remains free.

zeitAnker Annotation Edit gives you a sophisticated interface to attribute and subtitle video or audio in very short time. Therefore we developed techniques hardly found elsewhere and took the chance to build a clean and extensible product from scratch.
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Annotation Edit Tutorial

Latest News:
64 bit preview versions of Annotation Edit, Annotation Transcriber, zeitAnker Teletext and zeitAnker Scene Detection are available.
You find the download link in the Annotation Edit package.
Special update channels are prepared for the preview apps.
The 64 bit version of zeitAnker Teletext adds import of IMSC/EBU-TT-D and iTunes Timed Text TTML for the hearing impaired.

Two videos showing creation of QuickTime movies with closed captions or subtitles are added to the services.
Show closed captions.
Show QuickTime subtitles.
Two videos showing integration with Final Cut Studio.
Subtitles in Final Cut Pro
Subtitles in DVD Studio Pro

Refine your Quick Spotting right in the waveform time-line.
Drag ends while listening to the audio track. Redraw, add or delete spottings.
The example is taken from an historic noisy movie, printed to tape with black right border.
If you want ro see the whole movie with German subtitles here it is. The complete video for download can be found at Pedestrian Crossing. We will be happy to add your translations or closed caprions.

Annotation Edit Manual

Features included:
SCC import and export, transcript import, DVD Studio Pro track item description import. Italic style, alignment and position can be imported from and exported to SCC, FCP XML, DVD Studio Pro STL and EBU STL. RTF export. FCP XML export with fades.
Reads native time-code offset. Magix vst instruments download. Support for Apple Remote Control.
Audio scrubbing, keypad shortcuts.
Lots of refinements.


Annotation Edit 1.2.1 introduced a new feature 'Quick Spotting'.
Let us call it 'instant spotting'. In most of cases this feature will save you vast amounts of spotting time.
Just have a look here at this movie. No tricks, all takes are done in real-time, showing instant spottings from several mixed-down sources, including a full-length feature film.

  • MS Excel XML import and export. MS Excel XML may include time-code offset information, as well as some logging notes.
  • RTF with time-code import and export.
  • Plain text, Plain RTF, MS Word doc, html can be imported with automatic duration calculation.
  • A fast logging mode has been added to quickly assign time-code to transcripts. No arenaline based live spotting, relax hit fast logging when the subtitle should disappear. Annotation Edit will try to set the corresponding start - by words per minute calculation.
  • If just need to feed in translations, you can feed in plain text documents and let Annotation Edit apply the time-code and styles from your spotted master track. Or apply Instant spotting to transcripts, just prepare the transcript with corresponding line delimiters.
  • New snap functions to reposition the start or end of a subtitle to the current time.
  • If you need to bring in frame-based time-code, the new time-remapping functions will help you.
  • DVD Studio Pro and EBU STL can write the native time-code to STL. No need for offsetting by hand before export.
  • Multiple illegal time-code values, overlaps, duration and text length errors can be found and often even fixed with one click.
  • Hard wrap long lines to apply to the technical specification of captions.
The waveform is automatically normalized.
Here we use waveform overdrive leverage the waveform rendering.
Quick spotting will detect even the finest details.

Your work in Annotation Edit is:

Annotation Editor

  • Media independent
  • Resolution independent
  • Hardware independent
  • Location independent
  • Language independent

Concentrate on your work, share, distribute and refine your work at any time and any place. Circumvent costly production environments.
Create teleprompter files for use with Apple Logic or Digidesign ProTools on the fly.

Annotation Edit Mac

Annotation edit tutorialAnnotation

When it comes to video annoation and subtitling, two interface models are common.
The use of a timeline shows obvious caveats. Typical use leads often to repetitive zoom in and out tasks. At second text readability is obscured. We dismissed the timeline concept in favour of easy searchable lists:

Best Annotation Software

Even thousands of annotation entries are managed in a very convenient way and more important almost instantly.
More Information here.