Guru Slack

Discover how to get more from your company wiki by adding a Slack integration and create a powerful, searchable knowledge base. Hit enter to search or ESC to close. Slack Archives WAPP. Our Slack Community is meant to help you connect easily with other Guru pros, ask questions, and exchange ideas freely about all things knowledge management in real-time. This community is for all Guru fans, regardless of race, age, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, or background. Learn more about our Community Guidelines here. Apr 21, 2021 Movie Review: Leisurely “Goodbye Honey” proves again that there’s no such thing as a “slack” thriller Posted on April 21, 2021 by Roger Moore “Goodbye Honey” has the makings of a lean, nervy first-rate B-movie, a thriller whose suspense delivers the goods.

GuruGuru SlackGuru Slack

Guru's Slack integration allows you to search and surface all of your team’s knowledge directly in Slack keeping your conversations moving without having to switch context. With Guru, you can also capture knowledge as it's being exchanged in Slack and seamlessly add it to your Guru knowledge base.


Only users with Admin permissions can set up Guru's Slack integration.

🎓 Take the Slack for Admins Course in Guru Academy

Guru Knowledge

How to Enable the Guru app for Slack

A cloud guru slack
  1. From your Avatar on the top-right of Guru's Web App, select Team Settings

  2. Select Apps and Integrations from the section on the left-hand toolbar

  3. Click Apps. Next, navigate to Slack and choose Add Integration.

  4. When you click Connect New Slack Team and complete the steps, Guru is going to map your users by matching to their Slack email address. This way, everyone on your Guru Team will have access to the Guru app for Slack. However, team members who use Slack but not Guru will not be able to see any Guru information that they don't have access to.

  5. If there are discrepancies, those users will not be mapped. When they go to use the app for the first time you (the Admin) will get a message allowing you to connect them to a Guru user.

  6. If someone is not on the Guru team and uses the Guru app for Slack for the first time, you (the admin) will receive a message inviting you to either add them to your team or deny their request.

  7. Meet Guru's app for Slack! Once the setup process is complete, our Slack integration will introduce itself. You can also find it by searching @guru in your direct message options.

Guru Slack

Guru Slack App


Guru Slack

If you ever forget the appropriate command for what you want to do, just type 'help' in your direct message with Guru and it will layout all available actions. You can also invite the Guru Slack integration to any channel by typing/invite @guru.

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