Intellisense Visual Studio 2019

  1. Intellisense Not Working In Visual Studio 2019
  2. Bootstrap Intellisense Visual Studio 2019
  3. Javascript Intellisense Visual Studio 2019
  4. Css Intellisense Visual Studio 2019

IntelliSense is a name given to a set of features that make coding more convenient. IntelliSense for C is available for stand-alone files as well as for files that are part of a C project. In cross-platform projects, some IntelliSense features are available in.cpp and.c files in the shared code project, even when you are in an Android. More info

I had a set of very strange problems after upgrading to Visual Studio 2019 early this week, and they were significantly hampering my ability to get work done.

Intellisense Visual Studio 2019
  1. Go To Definition didn't work for a great many classes, methods, and properties.
  2. Intellisense was straight-up missing in multiple places.

I hadn't realized how much I relied on those two features of Visual Studio until I could no longer use them. It was like suddenly missing a finger, or being unable to find my phone: part of myself was gone.

I went off to Google the problem and found nothing that helped me. So, when I eventually did find the solution that worked for me, it occurred to me that I cannot be the only one with this problem. Hence, this post.

Here's how I fixed my missing Intellisense and nonfunctional Go To Definition in Visual Studio 2019.

(If you're just looking for the solution, jump to the Summary section at the bottom)

Tracking the Problem

Visual Studio Code IntelliSense is provided for JavaScript, TypeScript, JSON, HTML, CSS, SCSS, and Less out of the box. VS Code supports word based completions for any programming language but can also be configured to have richer IntelliSense by installing a language extension. Below are the most popular language extensions in the Marketplace. Occurred: After Finished Create New Project. Visual Studio 2019 16.9.4 Tried: 1. Use Repair in Visual Studio Installer. Re Installed Visual Studio. Intellisense activation. Fix tab issue when auto formatting after unreal macros. Speeding up Intellisense on VS2015. Intellisense false errors. Intellisense not working on my project files. How to fix IntelliSense warnings Visual studio 2019. Intellisense can't find includes for UE4 project. Pointer To Incomplete Class Type from Subclass.

Our project is an ASP.NET Framework 4.5.2 MVC solution, with lots of other tech thrown in (e.g. Entity Framework). As I mentioned at the time, the Intellisense and definitions were not missing for all of my classes, methods, etc., just for a majority of them. For example, in my controllers I could not use Go To Definition on the ASP.NET MVC Controller class, nor the attribute HttpGet, nor any of our custom classes for this project. But I could use it on certain common extensions, such as ToString or ToList.

It took me a while to work this out, but I eventually determined that what I was actually missing was all of ASP.NET MVC and Entity Framework. With that commonality in mind, I started poking around the solution, which is when I discovered this:

All of my project references were in error! Even ones that should exist on my system, like System.Data.

Which is stupid. I can use this project perfectly fine in VS 2017, so why was VS 2019 giving me such problems? And, more importantly, what was I going to do about it?

Potential Solution #1: Delete the .vs File

A bit of googling lead me to this blog post by Rick Strahl which suggested that I should delete the hidden .vs folder at the root of my solution. When I did so and opened Visual Studio again, VS recreated this folder. But, unfortunately, it didn't fix the issues I was having with Intellisense and Go To Definition.


It was at this point that something occurred to me: all of the things which I could not get Intellisense for (MVC and EF) were, in fact, NuGet packages. I wondered if this had something to do with NuGet, and, it turns out, it does!

Potential Solution #2: Restore NuGet Packages

There's a right-click option on .sln files called 'Restore NuGet Packages'. This was the first thing I attempted to do while trying to fix this problem. Unfortunately, it didn't help, because all I got was this:

'All packages are already installed and there is nothing to restore.' Which is not helpful in the least.


Potential Solution #3: Use the NuGet UI

The next thing I could think to do was use the NuGet UI within Visual Studio to reinstall all the packages. Problem is, there is approximately (counts on fingers) 57 jillion packages on this solution. Refreshing them using the UI would take a lot of time.

Clearly I was not going to do this. I needed something a bit more... forceful. Which is when I stumbled upon the actual, final solution that restored Intellisense and fixed Go To Definition...

Actual Solution: Delete Local NuGet Packages

Intellisense Not Working In Visual Studio 2019

...I deleted my local copy of this solution's NuGet packages.

At the root of our solution there is a packages folder. I deleted the entire contents of this folder. Upon reopening Visual Studio, Intellisense and Go To Definition were restored to full working order.

If I'm being completely honest, I do not know exactly why this works. After all, Visual Studio showed errors on references which should exist on my local machine, not in NuGet packages. But at this point, I don't particularly care why it works, I'm just glad it does.


It turned out the issue was related to NuGet; what I needed to do was delete the contents of the packages folder. For completeness's sake, here's the steps to do what I did.

  1. Close all instances of Visual Studio 2019.
  2. Delete the contents of the packages folder at the root of your solution on your local machine.
  3. Open Visual Studio 2019 again.

Bootstrap Intellisense Visual Studio 2019

This final solution worked for me. I am including the potential solutions in this post in the hopes that one of them (actual or potential) works for you, dear reader. Let me know if you have any other solutions in the comments!

Happy Coding!

Javascript Intellisense Visual Studio 2019

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Css Intellisense Visual Studio 2019

Productivity tools for the HTML editor


  • Image hover preview
  • Go to definition of classes and IDs
  • Peek definition
  • Meta tag Intellisense
  • Dynamic Intellisense
  • Find all references
  • Light bulbs
  • Validation

Image hover preview

Go to definition

Hit F12 when the cursor is located inside a class or ID attribute.HTML Tools will jump to the location inside CSS, LESS and Sass files.

Peek definition

Hit Alt+F12 when the curser is located inside a class or ID attribute.A peek definition inline code window will appear showing the definitionof the class/ID from CSS, LESS and Sass files.

Meta tags

Full Intellisense provided for:

  • Apple iOS
  • Twitter Cards
  • Facebook/OpenGraph
  • Windows 8
  • Internet Explorer 9+
  • Viewport

Dynamic Intellisense

Dynamic Intellisense is where Intellisense is based on other tags and attributes etc.

Find all references

Hit Shift+F12 when the cursor is located inside a class attribute.HTML Tools will search all CSS, LESS and SASS files for theclass name.

Light bulbs

Light bulbs are added for variuos scenarios including:

  • Base64 decoding of images
  • Extract JavaScript to file
  • Remove parent tags
  • Extract Stylesheets to file


OpenGraph prefix

When working with Facebook/OpenGraph integration, we need toremember to add the prefix attribute to the <head> element.


Validates that the itemtype attribute is a valid absolute URL.


Validates that the type attribute has the value image/svg
