Vsee Video Call

This is the release you have all been waiting for!!! We are super excited and proud to announce our very first release of NO DOWNLOADS, in-browser video calling! Learn more about how it works below. Also check out the other new features that are now available in VSee Clinic!

Please visit help.vsee.com or call (650) 614-1746. Provider Log In for VSee Clinic video consultations require the VSee application. 2 Verify your video is working properly, then click OK 3 After Video Test is complete, you may close this page to proceed with your video consultation. If you have any technical issues, please visit our FAQ page. How to make a VSee call.

1. No more downloads: Stress-free in-browser calling

Ever had trouble getting a patient to download VSee on their first video visit? We are taking that stress out of connecting online. Try our new in-browser video calling experience. This means patients don’t need to download any VSee apps on their device!* Just a quick, simple sign-in and they are ready to go!

For providers, the video will be embedded right on the same page as your patient notes, history, etc., so you can be in and out of your call without any fuss. No more need to spend time arranging your windows.

VSee Clinic call reports will also include phone call-ins and in-browser video meetings.

Vsee contact phone number

This feature is only released to the Free Version VSee Clinic. If you’d like to enable for your clinic, please contact us at help@vsee.com.

Please note that the in-browser VSee does not yet allow for screenshare annotations or video recording.


*Currently supported only for Chrome and Firefox on desktop. Not supported on any mobile browser. We are looking into supporting other web browsers and on mobile but no ETA yet. For mobile, using the VSee Clinic app still provides the best patient experience.

2. Securely bring a family member or interpreter into a video visit

Does your patient have a remote family member or friend that they want on the call?
Do you need another provider or translator to sit in during a consultation?

You can now securely bring guests into a consultation! Simply send them the call link or dial-in number displayed below your video window.

3. One portal to log in for providers who belong to multiple clinics

Providers who are affiliated with multiple clinics can now log in from a single portal. Switching between clinics is now convenient and easy – no need to login multiple times into different clinics. Providers can also now choose to display all patients and appointments from a single clinic or from all clinics they are affiliated with.

Other improvements and fixes are included in this release. If you have any questions, drop us an email at help@vsee.com.


Basic VSee Clinic Tutorial

Get a detailed walk-through of our Basic VSee Clinic

Vsee Video Call
  • [0:21] Provider Dashboard Overview
  • [0:42] When patients enter your waiting room and how to do one-click video calling
  • [1:26] Small Group Video Calls, Guest Invite-Linkl
  • [2:09] How to invite patients to a video visit, setting up your calendar
  • [2:52] How to set up your Basic VSee Clinic profile, notifications, credit card payments, etc.
  • [4:30] Walk-through of the patient experience for Basic VSee Clinic
  • [6:16] How to upgrade from your Free VSee Clinic plan

Getting Started With VSee Clinic for Providers

Get quick help for using your VSee Clinic in this playlist of 11 short tutorials covering:

VSee Clinic Admin Panel 1-Min Tutorials

Learn the backend tools to monitor and set up waiting rooms, generate reports, and manage scheduling.
*To use, the Admin Panel must be enabled for your clinic

VSee Clinic Patient-Side Demo

Detailed walk-through of the patient experience for VSee Clinic

  • [0:00]Ways patients can get to your clinic with url and what do they see
  • [0:42]What can patient do when they go to your Clinic
  • [1:15] Patient Walk-in Visit flow
  • [3:53]Patient self-scheduling

Vsee Video Call Free Download

VSee Clinic Provider-Side Demo

Detailed walk-through of how to set up your VSee Clinic

  • [0:00]What will you see after you login on the dashboard
  • [0:53]Setting up your cilnic
  • [1:36]Setting up your calendar
  • [2:19]What are the other features available
  • [2:49]How to start a visit

VSee Clinic: Remote Patient Monitoring Quick View

VSee’s all-in-one teleehealth platform lets you easily turn on remote patient monitoring features to add on to your video visit services. It lets you

  • Track all your patients in one dashboard
  • Screen and prioritize high-risk patients based on health readings
  • Receive auto-notifications for high-risk patients
  • Capture recordings for reimbursement

VSee Clinic Demo – Medical Assistant Flow

Quick walk-through of the VSee Clinic flow for a patient, provider and medical assistant

  • [0:11]VSee Clinic workflow for Patients
  • [1:41]VSee Clinic workflow for Medical Assistant
  • [2:48]VSee Clinic workflow for Providers

Vsee Video Call

VSee Messenger Basics (PC)

  • Start a call
  • Add others for a group call
  • One-click screen share & annotation for frictionless collaboration
  • Drag and drop file transfer

Download Vsee Free

VSee Messenger 1-Min Tutorials (PC)

Vsee Video Conferencing

Use the Messenger app for greater video calling convenience